Last Sunday—just before I got here—the private venue church we have been building in Crozet—had their first service Easter morn….as forecast by the local paper a few weeks prior. Needless to say, this was the fruit of years of labor by our clients and countless others seeking to plant a church closer to home for many of them from the parent church in Harrisonburg—about an hour north on I-81. The building is simply a gem—with emphasis on the simple…clean lines, high open spaces, no extraneous details other than lofty, worshipful space.
For me, currently in a bit of a low and exhausted state—this was a trenchant reminder that the most important outcomes of what we do are neither predictable nor earned—but are unexpected gifts beyond our capacity to think or ask. About eighty chairs were set up—but over a hundred people showed at what is to be their new church home over the next several years…also a place where they will gather on hot summer nights to swim, cook and eat meals together, and grow in their relationships along this new journey. Many happenstance events occurred to bring this to fruition with us involved—most noteworthy the way the client found us.
I was speaking at the UVA Darden school of business Faith and Works luncheon almost a year ago and a friend of our client was there and (knowing he was contemplating building a church/venue on his farm) texted him that he needed to check us out before making any decisions—and a year later here we are with the building almost done and operational…small world! Perhaps even more importantly—the relationship we have with our lead subcontractor the area—Robert Bingler—has blossomed into a full partnership with the client and myself as we see a full array of jobs coming our way over the next year or two. This building is not only a testimony to the perseverance and resources of our client—but also to the skill, pride, love and conscientious stewardship of the project on Bobby’s part…rarely have we had a project go as well as this has—due in no small part to his attention to detail, industrious crew of Dom and Richard, and his laser like focus on the project in telescopic time…solving problems weeks before they were to occur. He has built for many decades—and it seems he has finally found a home he loves with us—to our benefit even more than his. I am grateful to him beyond words…he also built my house here in VA.
I really have very little idea how this happened—but it does show that many of the things I think matter actually do not—and that some of the things that matter the most come like strangers at the dawn bearing gifts beyond measure. This was clearly such the case during a time I need a reset in the typical throes of travel, low spring season cash flow, mud season, some health problems and sheer fatigue—all paling juxtaposed to this—and for those of you who remember—an Easter email from Annah and her darling baby boy Isidoro—doing amazingly well with no significant discernible problems….after a traumatic start born without heartbeat or breath. We are indeed blessed…and thank you for being a part of that.
— George
To read the local paper article, click here.