Hello All—
It has been a woefully long interval since the last post—five months and a day to be exact….mostly a commentary on my being too busy and neglecting the important for the urgent. Business was incredibly slow this spring—with nothing getting in ground and then piling up into the summer backlog with everyone trying to catch up….finally starting a number of projects and now not even close to keeping up…=-O
It has also been very good—a wide variety of clients expressing their hopes and dreams with more car barns, churches, studios, homes, office buildings, kitchens and a significant number of wedding venues on the way….larger & more widespread across the country—and even more creatively reflecting the passion and perseverance of our current and upcoming clients. Some have been so enthused that they are forming/merging with some of our local subs to create local companies to build Geobarns as our representatives….which is the only way we have any chance of not getting further behind on the large load of work awaiting.
We are close to purchasing a lovely parcel of land for our Italian Geobarn venture where we hope to establish a local art/agri/cultural center and showcase our typically seismic resistant building system in a land where earthquakes regularly devastate the country. Everything takes ten times the amount of time wading through the laws and bureaucracy but in fairness to the many people involved everyone without exception has been enthused and positive and moved the process forward with no setbacks. Since no one does anything without coffee we are unquestionably going to have a coffee bar….and will be also restoring 1000+ year ruins on the site as required by law. We see promising connections developing with some Vermont private schools/colleges and look forward to seeing how this unfolds.
On a more personal note—Isidoro is healthy and developing slowly but steadily and time will tell. My dad is still going strong and recently honked as he passed me (heading south) on his way to buying
groceries…still planting flowers, studying, missing his beloved, and still finding wonderful new foods to order with his newly acquired online savvy…the most recent being some exquisite boysenberries from
Washington state….he never ceases to amaze me.
I am on a huge trip with 12 clients in a big loop from MA to NY, VA, OH, PA, MN, PA and home again eleven days out….will assuredly see some of you shortly. Please let me know if you do not wish to receive these emails—and many thanks to those of you who have especially recently encouraged me to get back in the writing saddle again.