I think it is tautological that summer ratchets up the pace—but finishing SIX structures within a couple of months interval is decidedly madness….and especially when one of them is a first class wedding venue with a ceremony scheduled for July 2nd….and four homes with eager clients waiting to move in, moving in, or just moved in…. along with children, pets, furniture, cars, relatives, appliances, lots of stuff needing lots of storage…..all of you know the drill. Moving is stressful and usually exhausting—but also the end of the race they have run for up to the last year waiting for this blessed, anticipated event.
There are obstacles beyond our simple passion to get the jobs done in a timely manner—such as last minute code issues with inspectors, waiting on the trades so we can do the finish work behind them, and as always challenges with money and the weather—two certain uncertainties as predictable as the dawn. We are so blessed with every one of our clients who work with us and support us during these long days—many of them pitching in to do the labor needing to be done.
Meanwhile—the list keeps growing of jobs needing to be designed, permitted, and gotten into the ground so we can build those and start the marathon all over again. We do get tired—but have the infinite privilege of loving what we do—and the love of those for whom we do so.
— George