We have had an eventful year—both professionally and personally…and with the two winter holidays on the weekends the hiatus has provided some time to rest and reflect…too rare an occurrence these days. We have been blessed with a huge amount of work which we anticipate will carry us through the winter…not only in NY, VA, TX and PA but especially in New England/the Upper Valley where we are experiencing a record cold snap over a two week period and barely able to start up our vehicles, let alone work full, outdoor days.
Part of the “eventfulness” has been the amount and pace of change…. we have seen the emergence of new crews, Ryan stepping up even more into his project manager role and also design building a magnificent, more contemporary home to add to the expanding repertoire, new ventures with partnering builders in VA and PA, and large projects developing in St. Paul MN, TX and Italy—where we hope to buy land this year after months of negotiating price with the sellers. We built a glorified “shed” for a homeless shelter and are getting involved building the community buildings and hopefully some of the houses for a large 500 home farm to table development in the Richmond, VA area. It has seemed daunting at times with a hundred emails a day coming in requiring dozen of mid course corrections…but I have also learned that a lot of apparent crises have a way of disappearing or taking care of themselves.
We are also grateful for the grace of God preserving Isidoro’s health–and while we do not know the eventual ramifications for his development—we do see a loving, happy baby who blesses all our lives and has already come into this world as a miracle, just as we are reminded of this during the Christmas season every year. Our holiday was uncharacteristically quiet—a welcome respite from the normally fast pace of Geobarns and life in general—for which we are truly grateful.
Thank you as always for being a part of our lives—and please ask me to remove you from this email list should you prefer.
— George