In the last few weeks we have transitioned from a smaller number of large, long term projects to a lot of new ones—and with no small sadness we are letting go and moving on…
The longest and most complex being Hope Church—just west of Richmond, VA where many issues and setbacks beyond our control severely taxed our resources….a record wet winter, dozens of design changes, massive size and coordinating multiple trades all contributing to a most challenging build—but nonetheless concluding with a spectacular structure at long last. Just a ways west in Charlottesville, Susanne and I moved into our home away from home at Bundoran Farm and managed to trailer a bunch of furniture and belongings and get set up in a couple of days with the generous help of Bobby Bingler—who put his heart and soul into its finishing touches. Our close friends the Yates also helped us move in—as well as adorning our new home with Christy’s lovely paintings.
Earlier last week I went to see the East Sandwich project on Cape Cod which is almost complete and the amazing family is chafing to move in and doing a lot of the work themselves alongside the capable crew of Theron and David who have just finished up most of the interior….still need the flooring finished and some cabinets and shelves. The house is comprised of a main volume with an in-law addition about half its size over the capacious garage—and exquisitely sited. I have learned that there is almost nothing as important as getting it in the right place to create a sense of dwelling and home that fits the landscape environment—so the time spent doing so is worth every day.
We also completed a small garage near Saratoga, NY for one of the most generous clients who has ever graced us with hospitality—and who took my oldest son (home from Europe to work this summer) and the rest of the crew under his loving wings to support them during the entire time—rarely have I seen such care from another human being for erstwhile complete strangers now become close friends.
Thinking of this—we are always reminded that it is these relationships which endure for eternity—as a testimony to the process even more than the product. I could not be more grateful and never want to lose that priority.
— George