It has been some time since I wrote a post—indicative of lots of travel, some strain in keeping up with the weather, and plowing through not only manifold snowfalls but also new projects along with those we barely got in ground before further excavation became impossible for now…
We have about eight jobs going….finishing up several in the Upper Valley, and starting new ones on Martha’s Vineyard and shortly in Texas by a lovely night lit pond, as well as several ongoing in VT, NH, NY and VA. It has been a bit of a crazy winter as you doubtlessly know—mirrored only by the turbulent political landscape which knows no peace and quiet either. Roads that were easy to drive for site visits became impassable (or perhaps impossible?) and plows got stuck in our driveway trying to keep them open so the crews could keep commuting both to work and back to warm places to sleep. We have about three feet of snow against our garage doors (after the plows left) and need to get them back for the umpteenth time…
Meanwhile—we have some large projects ramping up in St. Paul MN, TX, CA and VA—probably all due to hit at once this spring just as we start running out of winter work. I have caught myself being anxious to control the constant flow of work—will it still be there in April before new concrete gets in ground, will all the crews have work, will we be able to manage everything on our plate and still generate enough new work to keep us busy through next year? The answer is the same…as always…the phone rings and emails come in asking for more…and I am reminded that God’s goodness to us never ceases and that this is an ongoing, more than generously sustaining miracle…and find a measure of peace in that.
We also just celebrated my Dad’s 96th birthday—he is well, still learning like a sponge, and taking walks of a mile or two almost every winter day. I have a lot to look forward to as I grow up a bit more and get older…