Green Energy Times, a leading newspaper for advancing green energy practices, has published an article by us on our permaculture project in Italy.
Permaculture is an approach to land management and settlement design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes planning and management practices that consider the ecosystem as a whole when planning each component part. Our demonstration project in Italy shows that our Site Stewardship practices can restore a long-abandoned farm back to full productivity in a way that harmonizes with the native landscape.
Our project in Rochetta in Tuscany includes a biopool for water collection, restoration of a wild vineyard, and a vegetable garden that integrates with native flora for a healthy, self-sustaining (and low maintenance) ecology. The aerial photo above shows early progress in restoring the vineyard and establishing a permaculture garden. Note the ruins of the original farm house and outbuildings at bottom center. It’s humbling to know we’re working the same land as many generations of farmers before us… we’re merely the latest steward of land that has been agriculturally productive for more than 25 centuries.
From Green Energy Times:
Since May 4, 2009, Green Energy Times has chronicled, and been a catalyst for educational leadership in aligning environmental responsibility with profitable business practices. Through our bi-monthly distribution, subscriptions, websites, events, peer-to-peer network and research, we enlighten and promote the potential to drive transformation and accelerate progress — towards a sustainable future for us all.