2020 Reflection

It is the custom at the turning of the year to reflect upon the past year and to plan for the new, and it is with some chagrin that we note that it has been nearly two full years since this blog was last updated. This is both a mark of success and a mark […]

2020 Reflection Read More »

Catching My Breath…

We have had an eventful year—both professionally and personally…and with the two winter holidays on the weekends the hiatus has provided some time to rest and reflect…too rare an occurrence these days.  We have been blessed with a huge amount of work which we anticipate will carry us through the winter…not only in NY, VA,

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Geobarns, Holy Cross Anglican Church in Virginia, construction exterior landscape view, virginia farmland

Easter Inauguration of the Holy Cross Anglican Church in Virginia

Last Sunday—just before I got here—the private venue church we have been building in Crozet—had their first service Easter morn….as forecast by the local paper a few weeks prior.  Needless to say, this was the fruit of years of labor by our clients and countless others seeking to plant a church closer to home for

Easter Inauguration of the Holy Cross Anglican Church in Virginia Read More »

Winter Work: Shoveling Snow, Keeping Warm, Growing in Grace

It has been some time since I wrote a post—indicative of lots of travel, some strain in keeping up with the weather, and plowing through not only manifold snowfalls but also new projects along with those we barely got in ground before further excavation became impossible for now… We have about eight jobs going….finishing up

Winter Work: Shoveling Snow, Keeping Warm, Growing in Grace Read More »

Wondrous Winter: Gift of God

While many of these pictures are current projects and those which we hope to shortly start….quite a number are also winter wonderland shots over the years portraying the harrowing beauty of the cold season that nonetheless also mysteriously warms our hearts. I have always felt that when we work in winter we somehow mitigate its

Wondrous Winter: Gift of God Read More »

Overwhelmed with Thanksgiving: Building and Being Built All Over the Map

It has been a very long time since the last post…partly a reflection of the intense travel schedule to CA, Europe, TX, VA, all over the Northeast and next week to Wisconsin….and this was all in the past month or so…. More important—some intense family blessings and heartache with two new grandchildren (Isidoro and Iris)

Overwhelmed with Thanksgiving: Building and Being Built All Over the Map Read More »

Finishing Touches from A to Z, North to South, Magnificent to Minute

In the last few weeks we have transitioned from a smaller number of large, long term projects to a lot of new ones—and with no small sadness we are letting go and moving on… The longest and most complex being Hope Church—just west of Richmond, VA where many issues and setbacks beyond our control severely

Finishing Touches from A to Z, North to South, Magnificent to Minute Read More »


Reflections on a Full Year: Weddings, Births, Retirement, Passing Torches…

Sometimes, when words and tears cannot suffice—the only thing left to pour out my heart is write. Yesterday was such a day. I had gone to the newly completed barn at Smuggler’s Notch and took dozens of pictures—many of which are culled into this post. I met with our amazing and perseverant client, Steve DePalma,

Reflections on a Full Year: Weddings, Births, Retirement, Passing Torches… Read More »

exterior wedding barn, event, porch, landscape, cupola

Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire Builds: Racing to the Finish Lines

I think it is tautological that summer ratchets up the pace—but finishing SIX structures within a couple of months interval is decidedly madness….and especially when one of them is a first class wedding venue with a ceremony scheduled for July 2nd….and four homes with eager clients waiting to move in, moving in, or just moved

Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire Builds: Racing to the Finish Lines Read More »